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Signs of Low NAD+ Levels

Posted by Christopher Picerni on
Signs of Low NAD+ Levels

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, or NAD+, is a critical coenzyme inside the body, influencing various biochemical reactions fundamental to cellular vitality. However, as we age, NAD+ levels decline, potentially impacting our health in a variety of ways. NAD+ is also drained by drinking alcohol. Let’s delve into a few of the signs indicating you may have low NAD+ levels.

  1. Fatigue

NAD+ is an indispensable player in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy currency of cells. When NAD+ levels are suboptimal, the efficiency of ATP synthesis diminishes, resulting in persistent fatigue. This fatigue can affect daily activities, making it crucial to address NAD+ deficiencies for sustained energy.

  1. Brain Fog

  Cognitive function relies on NAD+ for neuronal health. Low NAD+ levels may contribute to brain fog — a state characterized by difficulties in concentration, memory lapses, and an overall sense of mental haziness. In our modern life, daily stress, work, and constant screen time all take a toll. Optimizing NAD+ levels can help offset that mental strain.

  1. Poor Sleep Quality

  NAD+ plays a role in regulating the circadian rhythm, the internal clock governing our sleep-wake cycle. Insufficient NAD+ levels may disrupt this delicate balance, leading to poor sleep quality. You may find that when you begin supplementing with NAD+, you wake up more refreshed, or with a higher recovery score on your sleep app.

  1. Muscle Soreness

Our muscles rely on NAD+ for repair and regeneration. When NAD+ levels are low, the natural processes of muscle recovery are compromised. This can result in increased muscle soreness, delayed recovery after exercise, and a hindered ability to perform at one's best. Nurturing NAD+ levels is essential for optimal muscle function.

  1. Weight Gain

NAD+ is intricately involved in metabolic processes that regulate fat storage and utilization. Low NAD+ levels may disrupt these metabolic pathways, contributing to weight gain. Recognizing the role of NAD+ in weight management is crucial for those seeking to maintain a healthy and balanced body composition. 

Understanding the impact of low NAD+ levels on these key aspects of health is the first step toward proactive intervention. To counteract the decline in NAD+ levels associated with aging, science suggests that supplementing NAD+ is a viable strategy. Various studies have demonstrated the potential benefits of NAD+ supplementation in promoting cellular health and mitigating the signs of aging. The easiest way to supplement these levels is to take Recovery+. COAST Health uses a bioavailable NAD+ precursor that boosts levels without the need for invasive IV treatments. By supplementing daily, your NAD+ levels stay consistently high, maximizing your benefit.

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